Dr. Manisha Kumari Deep has authored books like “Organic IT Infrastructure Planning and Implementation” first book on Organic Information Technology and “Popular Metaheuristic Optimization Techniques”. Some of her other works include “Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Leadership Style”, “Feasibility Study between Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment and Organic Networks”, “Digital India Mission: Implications on Social Inclusion and Digital Citizenship” and “Cloud: DDoS, Blockchain, Regulations, Compliance”.
Her recently published Novel 'IMPERFECT MARRIAGES' has touched some of the difficulties that females in Indian society face. It is a story about an elderly couple and it revolves around their family and friends. This novel highlights the problems and challenges that women face in Indian society. This is not just a story but every part of it can be connected with what we see, hear or feel in our lives. This novel is for all the wonderful people who try to work things out and for those who are trying to create magic in their relationship.