Friday 9 July 2021

The Almighty Eye - in Pursuit of Redemption by Rohin K. Varghese

About the book

The town of Osiana is a magical place, full of wonders. It has a majestic great Wheel known as ‘The Eye’, which draws travellers from across the world as its believed to be holy and sacred, playing host to a grand Carnival. The origin of The Eye and how it came to be in Osiana is a mystery; both to its residents and tourists. Om grew up attending the carnival every year and watched Osiana flourish until one day The Eye stopped working, leading to the discontinuation of the carnival. As a result, Osiana, once a rich and flourishing land gradually became a ghost town. The young men left for greener pastures and mostly the aged decided to remain. The only exception to this was Amelia,in her early 40’s and her 15-year-old son Atlee, the only kid left in Osiana. Atlee who grew up without his father and the carnival, knew everything about Osiana’s history from Om and his journals; who is the most learned person in the town. One day a mysterious stranger, Kalki rolls into town on a three-wheeled motor vehicle and introduces himself as a magician and a mechanic. The fate of the town and the future of The Eye now depends on Kalki.

About the author

Rohin K Varghese is an award-winning screenwriter, abstract painter and author of the novel you’ve picked up for reading. He loves writing adventure mysteries with surprising twists and thrilling climaxes. A principal theme in Rohin’s work is redemption. He believes man has the ability to perfect himself and society. He originally wrote this story as a screenplay – which ranked high in international competitions – before reshaping it into his debut novel, The Almighty Eye. Rohin has trekked on the Himalayas, jumped out of a plane and drinks coffee like his job. Having lived in multiple countries, he sees himself as a world citizen.

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