Embark on an entertaining, delightful and enthralling journey with four college friends; Sameer, Swati, Ruchi and Jyoti, who are on a road trip from Mumbai to Pune after nearly a span of five long years. As the journey commenced, the four recalled and reminisced the golden college days and how a bizarre invitation changed their lives drastically. Back in college, eight years ago, a mystery caller cordially invited them for A DATE. They assumed him to be a weird guy, but somehow he sounded very sincere and confident. Though initially they dropped the idea, but out of curiosity decided to meet him. At the venue, the host puts forth a unique proposal; Five days, a few hours could change your lives. This small piece of news electrified them, they wholeheartedly accepted it but unaware of the fact that diverse, unimagined disclosures, mysterious twists and turns laid ahead.
Pooja Atul Kokanthankar was born in Bangalore and completed her Bachelor’s degree (Psychology Hons.) from Jai Hind College Mumbai and Master’s Degree in Organization Behaviour from Manav Rachna International University (MRIU), Faridabad. Her debut book titled Tulsiwadi- An Extraordinary Village was published in 2018 currently available on all market places of Amazon. She is a certified Graphologist (Handwriting Analyst), presently working as a freelancer and has successfully helped more than 3000 individuals to bring about a positive change in their lives just by changing certain strokes of their handwriting. Currently, she resides in New Delhi with her parents.
Shop on Amazon Flipkart ShopClues and BlueRose
Pooja Atul Kokanthankar was born in Bangalore and completed her Bachelor’s degree (Psychology Hons.) from Jai Hind College Mumbai and Master’s Degree in Organization Behaviour from Manav Rachna International University (MRIU), Faridabad. Her debut book titled Tulsiwadi- An Extraordinary Village was published in 2018 currently available on all market places of Amazon. She is a certified Graphologist (Handwriting Analyst), presently working as a freelancer and has successfully helped more than 3000 individuals to bring about a positive change in their lives just by changing certain strokes of their handwriting. Currently, she resides in New Delhi with her parents.
Shop on Amazon Flipkart ShopClues and BlueRose
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