The story of Puffy, the pet dog and his garden adventure, is set in the backdrop of an old bungalow overlooking the valley on the foothills of the Sahyadris. Puffy, the pet German Spitz, is on a quest to solve a mystery in his garden and beyond with the sudden appearance of a strange animal intruding his territory.
Central to the story, Puffy goes about on a roller-coaster adventure to set things right. The characters in the story include mynas, frogs, grasshoppers and snakes commonly found in a garden with wild animals such as Hyenas and Civets also playing an important role. Easy to relate, the narrative keeps the reader occupied throughout this gripping mystery story.
The book aims to bring out important lessons for children highlighting the need for them to appreciate nature, love & respect it. Gardening as hobby too is encouraged in the book. The message of nature conservation and protection of dwindling wildlife also emerges out of the story wherein the author brings out the need to save and preserve the Asian Civet, a wild animal close to the cat family, which otherwise, is hunted for musk and skin.
The book is targeted towards children of age group 6 to 12 years although it makes a relaxing and interesting read for all. The book deserves to find a place in the personal collection of young children and also at school libraries.
Shop on Amazon Flipkart BlueRose and Shopclues.
Central to the story, Puffy goes about on a roller-coaster adventure to set things right. The characters in the story include mynas, frogs, grasshoppers and snakes commonly found in a garden with wild animals such as Hyenas and Civets also playing an important role. Easy to relate, the narrative keeps the reader occupied throughout this gripping mystery story.
The book aims to bring out important lessons for children highlighting the need for them to appreciate nature, love & respect it. Gardening as hobby too is encouraged in the book. The message of nature conservation and protection of dwindling wildlife also emerges out of the story wherein the author brings out the need to save and preserve the Asian Civet, a wild animal close to the cat family, which otherwise, is hunted for musk and skin.
The book is targeted towards children of age group 6 to 12 years although it makes a relaxing and interesting read for all. The book deserves to find a place in the personal collection of young children and also at school libraries.
Shop on Amazon Flipkart BlueRose and Shopclues.
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