Friday 18 December 2020

KAVY KAUSTUBH (Hindi) by Asha Dhaundiyal


About the Book

(In a nutshell, this book is a piece of my heart- a compilation of my expressions, thoughts and sentiments. I always believe in expressing myself. Where my thoughts and feelings are saturated, that is where my journey of expression begins. Words have immense power and words are all I have. Human heart is fragile and is affected quite often with many events happening around us, leaving a deep impression on our mind. The same feelings weave themselves around words and flow like a river in the form of poetry. These are the same waves of the river presented to you by me.)

About the Author

(A loving wife, a caring mother, and a headstrong businesswoman, Asha Dhaundiyal wears her heart on her sleeve. Ever since the age of 18, Asha has found solace in writing and continues doing even more so now. In 2009, with the advent of Orkut, she ventured into writing not just for herself but for the world to see. The journey began and so did the acknowledgement. Not tying herself to any one specific genre, she continues to be ever flowing, continuously, exploring the world and herself in between this beautiful journey.)

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