Monday, 31 May 2021

Big Fourth & The Lost Legacy by Rudraksh Patel


About the book

In the Godly city of Olympus, a robbery happens which has the potential of fatal consequences for the Gods if nothing is done. Jin was just a normal kid going around with his normal life when one day everything changes………. This opens up his eyes to the terrifying world of the Gods and monsters, and all the Gods are relying on him to save the day. While somewhere else a sinister plan is being brewed up. Can Jin rise up to the occasion to save the world or will he get tangled up in the Godly mess? Adventure, betrayal, war, and something else is waiting for Jin to arrive….. 

About the author

Hi my name is Rudraksh Patel but you can call me Rishi, for short, I don’t quite know how to describe myself in this
“About the author” but I will do my very best. I was born on 21 st Dec 2004 and I am sixteen years old, just like a regular teen I love listening to music. Actually, I am kind of addicted to it. I love writing from the bottom of my heart. I’ll tell you why. Because writing involves the creation of a different world and all according to your wish and you are supreme there, you can do anything you want. I don’t give all of my time to writing because besides writing I also have talents in music-making and singing. I want to become an international DJ and so much more that you would probably think that I’m crazy. I always get these crazy ideas and always see most things in a different way which mostly offends someone or another but not that much, but still, I can’t help it. Except for this, I study in class tenth right now. Well, I don’t know what to tell about myself except this so I guess this is all.

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And Life Goes On by Saroj B Chadha


About the book

 And Life Goes the story of Janice Whittle, a WHO staffer, and Karan Khanna, an Indian doctor set in the background of the Coronavirus pandemic. The story takes a violent and a criminal turn when Chinese mafia I New York comes into the picture.

About the author

Saroj B Chadha is military veteran who saw action in 1971 India-Pakistan war and counterinsurgency operations in the northeast. After a successful second career in corporate world, he took to full time writing. And Life Goes On.. is his fourth book.

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Upavan by Lala Ashutosh Kumar Sharan

About the book

‘Upvan' is a collection of poems of different colours, flavours and fragrance  by Dr. Lala Ashutosh Kumar Saran. The poems written in simple language on different aspects of human life and subjects of the society ,are exquisite, blissful and gripping. 

About the author

Dr. Lala Ashutosh Kumar Saran,a retired professor of Chemistry,was born in Ara, Bihar.He is a fluent writer in Hindi and is a poet and a capable storyteller. His poems written on various aspects of life , society, human relations and the beauty of the Nature,are gripping, emotional and heart touching.’Upvan’ is his second poetry-book 

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Sounds of Silences in India's Constitution- Dangers Ahead by Prahalad Rao

About the book and author

Graduate in Commerce 1961. Served Central Government Owned Public Financial
Institutions in the Power Sector for 30 years. Completed short Vigilance Course organized by
the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management and in Parliamentary Procedures and Practices organized by the Bureau of Parliamentary Studies & Training and Ten days on the job training in World Bank (1990), Washington and as a Team Member of the World Bank and ADB Teams for Project Appraisal and Special Studies sponsored by the serving organization. Also was a member of the Loan Negotiation Team of the Government of India for ADB
Loan for power projects. Participated in the professional seminars, workshops, conferences, symposiums while in service, organized by professional institutions and bodies on company law matters, contract, and commercial, project management, accounting, and auditing, and strategic planning and management.
Served as Consultant/Senior Advisor in multinational consultancy organizations for over 17
years post-retirement. Has had intense inter-face interaction with central and state Ministries
/Departments and national, multinational, and bilateral financial institutions. Built over the
years, professionalism through continuous enrichment of knowledge and practical
application with equal vigor. Specialist in Project Finance (Power), Commercial and
Contract Management, Electricity Regulatory Affairs, Due Diligence - Equity Investment and
Entity Appraisal, Lender’s Engineer, Domestic and International Projects Contracts Drafting,
Drafting Non-Disclosure Agreement, MOUs, and Consortium/Joint Venture Agreements.
Experience of 30 years under able senior Indian Administrative Services (IAS), 20 years as a
Consultant in Multinational Consultancy Organizations with keenness in political and
economic development, the twin strong pillars of democracy that augur stability, prosperity
and wellbeing of the people that includes the “COMMON PEOPLE” gave the author as a
COMMON MAN opportunity to keep himself abreast with the changing times during his
advancing age to understand how far we have been able to achieve the aspirations of the
people who freed the country from foreign reign, as enshrined in the Constitution they
endured to make and adopt for the benefit of the next generation and for the generations to
come. Thirty years' experience was in Development Finance Institutions (DFI) where he
earned in-depth knowledge on Techno-Economic parameters for financing economic
development-oriented projects. The above background gave him the ability to reality check-in economic development and enabled him to write books mentioned at the end of the book.
Critical statements he has made in this and earlier books are aimed at the governance,
politicians, people, law enforcing authorities for removing stumbling blocks in the present
systems and rise above the political and personal considerations and place the best
interests of the country topmost.
Humanism in the profession and personal life has been his hallmark. Authored “Time We
Change for a Better India”(Jan 2017), “A Wake up Call for Every Indian”(Oct 2019) and
“Jammu & Kashmir – The Truth of The Matter” (Nov. 2019)and “The Living God on Earth”
(Jan 2020) books, of which, latter three were published through Blue Rose Publishers. Best
Professional Employee and Special Contribution Awards were given while working with
STEAG Energy Services (India) Private Limited (A Multi-National Consultancy Organization). 

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Reflections by Ipsi Ipsita Rath


About the book

Reflections is a collection of works in English which were composed at different times according to the seasons, immediate subjects and mood of the author. It may be noted that two of these compositions were scribbled late past midnight, when the author was half asleep!! The works reflect joy, sorrow, beauty, nature, mundaneness, fear, struggle and peace. Some of the poems and songs speak of the author’s deep experiences even as a child or teenager. Her mother remains her source of inspiration in most of these compositions. It sketches different shades of life, and is intended to pay humble tributes to the world’s great composers and esteemed teachers, and to apprise modern students or readers of a bygone era. Though composed in a simple style, the author can provide a brief summary of a work on request, through the publisher. She leaves it up to the educationists and students to thoroughly explore the technical terms and effects. Some of these compositions may also be adapted as background songs in different genres of literature.

About the author

Ipsi Ipsita Rath holds degrees in engineering and law. Before embracing her passion as a profession i.e. writing, she worked in two top corporates in the Indian software industry with a stint in Europe, and later practised law. She is also a blogger, a singer, a painter, a social enthusiast and a home-maker.

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Sunday, 30 May 2021

All Children are Equal Yes or Not by Dr Arun Kumar Bapna


About the book

 The book All children are equal Yes or Not is focused on newly-weds and new parents to know
the ways of development of children. Parenting is most complicated of problems. Every parent
wants to develop their child the best and wants the best future for them.
In this book, I have covered the following areas:
1. Differently abled children
2. Unlimited tiring demands (or indecisive parents)
3. Early childhood relationships
4. Insomnia
5. Cola’s culture (Physical fitness)
6. Genetically daring nature
7. Boarder child
8. Genetic coding
9. Daddy’s little girl
10. Rape victim
11. Handle with care
12. Child creativity
Apart from the above-mentioned12 points, there are another 15 areas of problems and their
solution in this book. The book has opinions of world-renowned doctors, authors, social
activists, and world-governing bodies working for problems and solutions for the development
of children.
I have also written a book Pati-Patni Me Tanav - Karan aum Nivaran published by Pustak
Mahal Publishers, New Delhi, in 2001.

About the author

Dr Arun Kumar Bapna
PGCert Geriatric Medicine,
PGCert Torture Medicine

Dr A.K. Bapna graduated with an MBBS degree from SMS Medical College, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, in 1973. He joined UP State Medical Services in June, 1974. He served the state
for 34 years in different capacities as medical officer, medical superintendent, chief medical
officer, and additional director.
He has written the book Pati-Patni Me Tanav -Karan aum Nivaran published by Pustak
Mahal Publishers, New Delhi, in 2001.
He has been regularly writing in magazines as well as state and national newspapers on
various issues related to medical and social problems.
He is a member and office bearer of Indian Medical Association, Rotary International,
Amnesty International, Medical Practitioner’s Society, and other organizations.
He has presented several papers at state, national, and international levels.
In 2008, he had started practice as a geriatrician in Aravali Multispecialty Hospital in
Udaipur, Rajasthan. He has been practicing as a physician since 2011.

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Khufiafarrosh by Ashok Hindustani

About the book

All things were against them, cruel highly insensitive apparatus of the society where backwardness, illiteracy, poverty, and shackles of traditional highly conservative and family mores were strict, things were against them but love endured.

   Employment was cast-based and was despised by Hindu society and the same also taken away by cast magnates and what was left was working against the law, selling wine without a license.  

          Ratna to whom everything was denied, some by god, the mother was taken away in early childhood, education denied by the family  because of  superstitions 

    Without Kamini, Ratna was roaming rather than swimming in such conditions aimless. Kamini’s contacts and association gave Ratna and rather both these people to find their way in these mountainous odds.

     Both were healthy but in the society where tuberculosis was rampant and, general health was poor this their status was rather not liked of course nothing was said overtly.   

  Their union was objected to and social displeasure was there as Kamin’s first husband was alive and was on the last legs of tuberculosis.  After some time of the first husband’s going they united themselves and started their life journey in the most troubled waters

About the author

Ashok Hindustani has done BSc and passed the SAS examination in 1977 and retired from the Indian Audit and Accounts department in 2007 as a class 1 officer. He is influenced by Marxist thinking. He has seen many great events in the history of India such as the railway strike of 1974, Indira Gandhi's emergency period, Shri Jai Prakash Narayan's people's movement, etc., which has shaped his writings. He is the proud author of two Hindi novels Sangharshwat and Deval-Devgiri. 

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Teen TO World by Arpit Bhatnagar


About the book

The author of this book has tried to share the

perspective of a child towards his life and the
lessons which he has learned till teenage. These
lessons may look insignificant to older people but
are actually the starting point of a strong
foundation. This book’s main focus is towards a
person’s originality and self-improvement. In this
book, some of the lessons may be known, unknown, or forgotten by people.

This book strives to help people understand which person is worth their
friendship, respect, mentorship, influence, etc. It
also wishes to help people acknowledge different
aspects of their lives, from knowing to realizing,
betrayal to friendship, the potential end to start of a
new foundation, self-doubt to self-improvement,
and many more other things. These lessons are
derived from a child’s perspective, aiming to help
adults solve major problems at a simpler level.

About the author

Arpit Bhatnagar is a 19 years old accomplisher. He is a student at Delhi Public School, R.K Puram. He has also been a tabla player for the past 9 years and is interested in exploring new instruments and music. All his life, he has mainly been influenced by the females of his house, which led to different interests in his life. Arpit Bhatnagar is a blogger as well (abmotivates). He has been blogging for almost a year, with the aim of understanding the importance of originality, and bringing motivation and positive changes in people’s lives. 

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Learning Curve by Sandip Roy


About the book

The book is all about the learning process of different aspects of life. , the Efforts are made to simplify the content for better understanding of the theme. Science is blended with nature, in certain cases with the norm of human life and society. I believe that the simplicity of the book will win the heart of readers. 

About the author

He is a member Of The Institution Of Engineering &Technology (UK). He lives in Mumbai. , He is a strong believer of God and Always tries to contribute something to the society by sharing the knowledge and, experience he has and as a result of that this book was written. Since child hood he possessed an optimistic mind set in whatever the situation might be and such an approach towards life has made things easier for him on the way forward to life. Rest of his experiences and his “ways of living” can be found in the book. 

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Star Dust by P. Bala S Devi

About the book

Every other learning has been instilled in us through storytelling for eons and is going to be so for ages to come. The fascinating moments when a mother starts telling stories to her child are the most magical of all. This collection of bedtime stories will trigger untouched yet strong chords that lay cozy in every memory lane. Welcome to the world of muses, which every child loves and every mother is proud to
traverse with her child! 

About the author

A simple soul trying ferociously to catch up with her
dreams and optimistic that every dawn sees her bloom
every new way, Dr. P. Bala S. Devi blooms in A.P.C.
Mahalaxmi College for Women, Thoothukudi, Tamil
Nadu, S. India, amidst teaching her students English
literature. Nothing pleases her as much as her dreams
possibly do. A professor by profession, a learner by
choice, and a writer by love to the joy of expression, she
opens her pen to the magic that drives every life to live!
Welcome to her world of magic to walk amidst the stars
through these bedtime stories! Happy journey! 

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Saturday, 29 May 2021

SEEK & FIND by Rahul Kumar Gautam


About the book

Faced with an identity crisis and mental struggle right from his childhood to his youth, Kabeer set out to seek true love, identity and spirituality in his life. In his desperation, he made a run to places of worship of all major faiths, naively performed religious rituals and even imbibed new-age spiritual practices- But Alas! true peace continued to elude him and he remained enslaved to his mental struggle. Just when it looked like it was the end of the road, his life got transformed and healed from inside. Join Kabeer on his quest of true love, identity and spirituality.

About the author

Rahul Kumar Gautam lives in Delhi, India with his parents, wife, and newly born son. An NPTI & IIM graduate, he currently works as a sales director at a leading e-commerce service company. Seek & Find is his debut novel. He can be reached at

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Someone by Gururaj Grampurohit


About the book

The monsoon rains have caused havoc, Kerala and coorg are completely flooded, amidst this natural devastation, A medical student found dead near a garbage dump yard in Bangalore, she has been brutally killed and raped after her death. Her friend flies abroad on the night of her death, her lover attempts suicide after hearing news of her death. 

About the author

Gururaj Grampurohit,21, is the name of the author, Uma Shankar is just his pen name. He completed his schooling in Basaveshwar primary school, Naregal and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Gadag. He is still doing his graduation in University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. This is his first published work as Author. 

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Tobu ononto jage by SUBHASHIS CHOWDHURY


About the book

 A well-equipped barge on a wide riverbank, slowly moving upstream. The novelist
is sitting on the roof of the barge. There are white papers and pen in front of him.
He is writing, a detailed description of the river, buildings, temporary sand dunes
on the banks of the river, tents in Tripol of few small rural fairs. The novelist
continues to write page after page, today he is satisfied. But he has lost sight of
some events. The bride is riding in a small boat coming from the opposite
direction having two opposite feelings in her heart. She left behind his father,
mother, adolescence…... Moments of anguish await. The prospect of a new life in
a new place, the excitement of having a family with her husband. A young
woman in her thirties, losing her sindur, with tears in her eyes, fearing an
uncertain future, is returning home from the ghat. The dumb boy is standing
beside the burning cheetah, he has just lost his father. A young woman at the fair
forever, sitting hunched over and buying glass bangles without knowing that, her
dream man, lost his life on the battlefield two days before or the young man who
sits on the bank of the river with a bored look, reminiscing about the happy days
spent with his beloved and weeping silently. Due to caste and religion, his beloved
was never found in his life. These small feelings of happiness and sorrow, which
are deeply rooted in human life, which are contemporary but eternal….. was
noticed by a person. He was a writer of short stories. The author is weaving a
garland of joys and sorrows, acknowledging the emotions of those unspoken

About the author

SUBHASHIS CHOWDHURY, born in the year 1966 at Chittaranjan; a railway
township situated in Bengal-Jharkhand border. Primary & high schooling
completed at his birth place. Came to Kolkata for higher studies and got admitted
in Maharaja Manindra Chandra College. Started writing on the wall magazine of
that college with the pen-name ‘SUBHO’. But, returned from Kolkata after couple
of years after getting job in Indian Railways at his native place. Writing had been
stopped but became a good reader of Bengali literature consists of novel, short
story & poem. Realising that the short stories are more lively than the novels,
affection was generated towards the short stories; specially written by eminent
writers like Ramapada Chowdhury, Tarashankar Bandopadhyay, Bibhutibhusan
Bandopadhyay, Banoful, Manik Bandopadhyay etc. Got inspiration from their
short stories and started writing seriously in the year 2017. 

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Autumn blaze by Leena Thampi

About the book

Autumn Blaze is a poetry collection where every falling leaf tells a story , an experience, worth reading. The book is aesthetically designed with illustrations to take the readers for a beautiful virtual ride.

About the author

Author was born in Jammu and brought up in New Delhi. She has written many articles in the magazines and the Indian Express. Her articles in the Times of Oman supplement had won special recognition. Her first poetry book "Rhythms of a Heart " is available all over the world on Amazon and appreciated by the readers last year.' Autumn Blaze' is her second book. Apart from writing she has done modelling and acting. She is a dancer and music buff too. She is a motivator and Relationship coach who is full of positivity and enthusiasm.

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Saat Sotero Paperback by Sanjib Chakraborty


About the book

Twelve stories with twelve  flavors. Few stories are based on my own experiences. Others are fictionalized, consisting of psychological, paranormal, Romance etc. loosened my imagery reins.

About the author

45 years of service in the upper echelons of shipping industries. Devoted spare time in reading books on various subjects during  working days. Whenever possible I was in touch with literary world to keep myself abreast of changing trend and style of presentations of stalwarts in this field. Presently retrieved my younger days hobby to write and utilizing unending  idle period in my life’s sunset years mostly in Shanti Niketan.  My short stories are being regularly published in various e-magazines. This book is the outcome of my first humble effort in publishing   in print with cooperation and valuable guidance of BlueRose Publishing House

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Friday, 28 May 2021

Heartstrings by Punniyaa


About the book

This book tries to find out the real meaning of life, which is discovered in experiences. Life is about experiencing the outside to discover what’s inside. Fill life with experiences, not things.  

About the author

Punniyaa is a young girl of 17 studying in class 12, Chandigarh. She is someone with a strong will and sheer determination, she strives hard to achieve something she sets an eye for. She is consistently working on her skills which makes her a better person too. She is a keen observer. For a 17 year old she is mature and confident and the best part being she is always down to earth and is an insanely beautiful soul inside out. She wishes to travel the world. She also wishes to find happiness in every experience of her life. 

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Lil Leela Journey by Usha Sree Parvathineni


About the book

Leela is excited about the family trip  in a Train to her ancestral village for the first time but  confused about her mother not wanting her not to Pack any Toys . 

Meeting her cousins and their Friends Change her idea of play,  enjoying the simple pleasures of meaningful time in the magnificent   rural land scapes 

When its time to leave the village , Leela with a Heavy heart says  her Good byes to her cousins and New made Friends , promising Them that she would be back for All her Holidays and there is No where else she would rather be .

About the author

Usha Sree is a Mom of seven year old , Enjoys painting , writing and story telling. Travelled extensively  says   there is No place  Better than her Grand parents village in Andhra , Misses her childhood days with her sibling and cousins.

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Sky of Affection- Rhythm of life by Payel Sanyal


About the book

This is the story of a girl , who gets everything in her life. But life and its values become missed from her. Will she find these? This is the story of a little boy and his brother and they connected each other through her friendship. Who is she ? This is the story of emotions of our life connected through our education. Can education relate our emotions? This is the story of a life’s music which creates joy in this world.  This is the story of a sky , who is the roof of many lives. This sky spreads happiness in the world without any expectation. This story is a tribute to a life and its educators.

About the author

I am Payel Sanyal. You, readers gave me recognition as an author for my first book - "Shades of Love without Relation". My introduction as an author means my readers' recognition.

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Traumatic Zombies by Mahoor Zahid

About the book

A story with no names but pain, desperation and hurt, all going in circles. A family to whom pain was no foreigner. A journey of love but self-hate. 

A journey of how trauma shaped a zombie. A journey of a family where two were saved yet last one survived, till... 

This book deals with societal norms conquering self-love and portrays the survival of people who were drowning because of hate. It’s an attempt to make people aware of how bullying and the idea of fitting in can be toxic. A story with no plot twists but emotions turned demons. Loss of identity and struggle to fit in, I offer you a story that makes you want to continue with life which might have many pauses but not an untimely end. A story with no period because haven’t we all continued with our lives at some point with the help of the last ray of hope when it was supposed to be a dead-end, a full stop. 

About the Author

"My education, place of birth, it doesn't define who I'm but what I have done and where am I from. As of now I'm a scholar hoping to be the doctorate in English literature, birth place Srinagar. But when it comes to who I'm, I'm someone trying to figure out life. And words are my tool to understand, conclude and finally present life through my lens." 

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Vir and Victor by Pushpanjali R Chawla

About the book

A delightful tale about the accidental meeting between a boy and an ant. The story shows us how big lessons can be learnt from the smallest of creatures. And that team work is always a good idea! Entertaining and Educational - the story effortlessly weaves in sound words that are sure to capture your little one's attention. 

About the author

Pushpanjali R Chawla was born and raised in India. A graduate in International Business, with degrees from India and USA, Pushpanjali earned her stripes as a professional in America and an entrepreneur in India. Armed with over 16 years of corporate experience, she decided to shake things up and become a full-time mom in high heels. Pushpanjali now lives in Delhi, India with her husband and two sons. She can often be seen dancing around her living room, eating chocolate and planning family adventures. She believes in magic, sports cars and wood-paneled libraries. Keep in touch with Pushpanjali over email on

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Reborn by Saroay Naresh Kumar


About the book

It is a poetry book which will help you to shake off your limitations, make you focus on your dreams, move on to the path of realization, and lessen your burden by boosting your self-confidence and will help you to move ahead in life. It will throw a light on the power of habits. It will help you to understand what you should do if you ever feel sad or depressed. It will make you think about what real beauty is and when you should take your love back if you ever feel you have faced the blues.
This book will motivate you to realise the real you in you through poems like ‘That’s Me’. Read this book to meditate, to find solutions and to end confusion. It’s a nourishing poetry that will enrich your soul.

About the author

Teacher, writer, poet and trainer Naresh Kumar Saroay hails from Village Dhaliwal kadian, Jalandhar, India.He is a professionally trained teacher of English language at GHS Gill Khanpur Dhadda, Jalandhar, India. He has got training from the British council and Trinity College London in different projects.

       Inquisitive and optimistic by nature, he always sees a reason to hope. His patience and experience reflects through his poetry. His style is very inspiring and simple. He has spent last two decades reading and writing.  He completed his debut poetry book 'Reborn' during lockdown. He throws a light on world peace, charity and the value of humanity. He urges to stop causing bad tears and clears what are good tears. He requests man to leave useless fights in support of UNO and world peace through his poem 'O leave it man, why are you fighting'. He writes poetry, fiction and short stories.

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Divorcee by Benazir

About the book

In this story, I have tried to write the physical feelings of the woman to the heart - to those who remain virgin even after being married - when the girl loves and gives her all to her love. When she gets cheated then what her physical feelings are like, how she is ---- then after reaching all the conditions, she reaches a place - where people rush when her love meets her at that point many years later. Is, when it comes to marriage, what is the answer to that girl --- read this  in the story - divorcee

About the author

 Book yes, My own written book; be it Nazme, Sher Shayari or Ho Afsana - looking at books from childhood, my relationship with it was such that I could not sleep until the book was placed on the chest, and still does not come today,I am not much educated, even the books of the course seem boring today, I did not read properly, I would have been on a good position if I had read, just since childhood.
 I was fascinated with juvenile books - in childhood comics course books, read in secret, in a small college library in college class, I was found - looking at the cover page of books for long and turning my hand on it, my heart was very relaxed. Has come to deliver - a desire has come to awaken a dream of a fire starts from the same, that the books of my eyes and stories should be printed and that book with the name of my picture too - will be a constant movement in my heart from childhood This is the result of my wish, this is my book-!

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Arctium: it's time! by Kiran Lotus

About the book

All of us choose to see the glint of light at the end of the tunnel but are you brave enough to look back to the darkness where you came from. Heed to the demons and archangels just behind your earlobes and dream, every intention of heartbeats stepping towards the 'doom'. The next seconds of uncertainty are what we live for or is it death that makes our life thrilling, one thing worthy to yearn for?

Zephyrian Geologists have discovered an old geological site recovered from a landslide. Right from the discovery of the element called Arctium, much inferior to human race knowledge, scientists are puzzled by its character and applications. An unknown race is disturbed with the improvements and tries every effort for humans not to know it's true potential. 

About the author

All of us choose to see the glint of light at the end of the tunnel but are you brave enough to look back to the darkness where you came from. Heed to the demons and archangels just behind your earlobes and dream, every intention of heartbeats stepping towards the 'doom'. The next seconds of uncertainty is what we live for or is it death that makes our life thrilling, one thing worthy to yearn for?

Zephyrian Geologists have discovered an old geological site recovered from a landslide. Right from the discovery of the element called Arctium, much inferior to human race knowledge, scientists are puzzled by its character and applications. An unknown race is disturbed with the improvements and tries every effort for humans not to know it's true potential. 

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The lost girl by Santosh Kumar

About the book

 Vineeth has retired after a lengthy service of almost three decades and is off to settle down in his hometown. He has been yearning to meet his childhood friends, remembering each of them fondly. However, there is one person he doesn’t need to remember, since he never really forgot her for a single moment. They had met when both of them were in college. They had fallen madly, truly and deeply in love. They were determined to marry and live together till the last breath. But then, one unfortunate day, Rashmi had vanished along with her family without giving any clue about their destination to anyone. She did not even leave a message for Vineeth. Stationed at a distant place, he had tried to gather any possible information about Rashmi but in vain. Now, since he will be back in town with all the time at his disposal, he will not leave any stone unturned to trace her. He is dying to see Rashmi at least once again. Will Vineeth succeed in his endeavour? You will relate to each and every character of this heart-touching love story. The story is so real and yet so interesting!

About the author

 An ex-banker, poet, writer, husband, father. Born in the historical township of Lachhmangarh, Rajasthan. Grew up in the beautiful tea city of Dibrugarh, Assam. Passion for sharing engrossing life-stories collected while working and living in different parts of India. THE LOST GIRL is my debut novel with many more yet to come.

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Gandhari Santoti by Dr. Tanuka Chattopadhyay

About the book

The book is a heart-throbbing miniature of three intellectual brave ladies, Diya, Oli and
Ishika, who were struggling through the various curves and bends of their lives in giving birth to a child in their destined eternity. Diya had to live the life of a housewife in a rural area due to
her ill health that started at her birth and accelerated day by day by the negligence and other
associated problems until she got a fibroid tumor at one of her ovaries which caused infertility.
She was admitted to an in vitro nursing home for a remedy. The other character Oli is a
college teacher. She also faced various ups and downs in her family which made her very strong and stout. She is a student of Physics and married her senior Rishi, who is a University Physics professor and both of them are in a word genius in their subjects as well as in their lives. But Oli also became the victim of child infertility due to her bifurcated uterus. Along her course of destiny, she was admitted to the same nursing home to get rid of her problems. Finally, Ishika, who was born with a golden spoon and was a freelance journalist found her fallopian tubes blocked which was the reason for her infertility. Her husband Syamantak was also a journalist with having a doctoral degree from the University of Oxford. Eventually, Ishika was admitted to the same nursing home for having a test tube baby. The book stitched the various sentiments and stories of these three ladies from their points of view in a narrative manner and includes the intricate history of test-tube babies along with its various aspects of child infertility. Finally, the ladies have different fates in the runway of their lives but the novel always stitches a border of hopes and dreams which are the origin of all our optimism towards life.
eBook: Yes
Global Distribution: Yes
Audience: General 

About the author

Dr. Tanuka Chattopadhyay is a Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of
Calcutta. She has a keen interest in traveling, writing, human relationship, and eastern and western musical compositions. She has published many articles regarding these topics. She has published textbooks from national and international publishers and has published many scientific papers in leading international journals. She is a visiting Associate of the Inter-University centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA). She is a fellow of the West Bengal Academy of Sciences (WAST), a member of the International Astrostatistics Association (IAA), and the International Astronomical Union (IAU). She has been jointly awarded ‘Outstanding Publications in Astrostatistics’, 2016 by International Astrostatistics Association for ‘Statistical Methods for Astronomical Data Analysis ‘.

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JEENA ISSI KA NAAM HAI by Rajeev Agarwal


About the book

A book explaining every emotion of life in poetry.

About the author

 A writer/poet who wants to bring positivity through his writing. 

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Thursday, 27 May 2021

Heritage of Rising Nation by Vikash Tiwari


About the book

Over the centuries, India is known for affluent heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief and political systems, artifacts, and technologies. The book is attributed to poetically articulate numerous aspects of diversity, music and songs, art and culture, sports, natural beauty, countryside hallmarks, great emperors, freedom fighters, armed forces, and novel revolutions.

About the author

The author is an employee of a multinational corporation with working experience of over one and half decades in technology and project management. He pursued his B.Tech in electronics and communications, and then did MBA in E-commerce during employment. At present, he holds over ten certifications such as ITIL, SAFe, Prince2, and ISTQB which are approved from international standard organizations.

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Little Me In Everyone by Eddyee Siingh

About the Book

If you want to learn and grow in life, start exploring the world inside you and believe the omnipresent "Genius". Every human is born with a "genius", a guardian spirit allocated at birth. Caged in this mind is the ‘Little Me’ helping us, talking to us, questioning us, and nurturing us all along the way. The eternal conversations we have, our struggles for justifications and morals, and our gut feelings are what shape the voice of our ‘Little Me’. It grows inside the spiritual realm of energy and the soul as we also grow with each new experience in life. The Self, the Ego and the Pride evolve from and dissolve within a person’s ‘Little Me’. In this book you’ll find the reflections of everyone’s ‘Inner Self’ and ‘Little Me’, protected by Spirit Guide "Genius" thus guiding us to learn and rejoice every moment of being alive despite the perplexities of life.

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