Thursday 18 March 2021



About the Book

This story is about the life of dog and his sensitivities. His life is full of happiness and enthusiasm. He has emotions like us. The book offers insights into how dog feel about their surroundings. It is about the love and bonding between dog and human being. The story is about an adventurous dream of a very sweet dog named ‘Mogli’.

The story is written in two parts. The first part of the story deals with the life of puppy in a peasant farm, It is bonding with his mother and siblings, his impressions about outside world, adoption and life in adopted home.

The second part of the story is about an adventurous journey taking him to the different worlds. He has the opportunity to visit contrasting landscapes and meet with the exotic animals and experience their behavior.

About the Author

Suman Thakur is a mechanical engineer employed with a MNC as Senior Manager. She enjoys her professional and personal life immensely. Reading and writing are her hobbies. She loves reading various genres of stories. Her motivation for writing this book is to tell a story. When she was a child, she usually went to village to spend vacation with her grandparents. She enjoyed the company of grandparents and the bedtime stories. Animals, prince and princesses were the main protagonists of those stories. She also relishes the memories of one old villager named Ram Prasad and his storytelling sessions. Ram Prasad while telling stories also sang many folk songs. The folk songs were very melodious and sweet. The storytelling sessions were so lively that she could visualise them and often her mind was transported to the imaginary world. This is when She realised the potential of storytelling. Since then, she has taken to storytelling with immeasurable joy. She is thankful to all her family members and friends for encouraging and supporting her to write this book and fulfil her desire to explore the storytelling. She also recognises the values of her native village and the life of co-habitants which influenced her mind at a very early age, the loving symbiotic relationship between humans and animals. She understands that all creatures in her surroundings are important. They teach us many unique facets of life.

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1 comment:

  1. Dog has excellent sense of smelling,hearing,taste,touch and even sensitivity to the earth magnetic field.
    Dog is great communicator,he understands the messages send by the human being. He communicates with their facial expressions eyes gazing,posture (body movements) and sound. They easily read human facial expressions and express their emotions.
