Sunday, 31 March 2019

“Shyamatma” By Shyamal Choudhary

मेरी काव्य यात्रा

बचपन से ही साहित्यिक परिवेश में रहने के कारण सोच रचनात्मक रहा, लेकिन कभी सोचा नहीं कि लेखक बनने की अनुभूति भी प्राप्त होगी | बाबूजी द्वारा बालपन से सुनता आया साहित्य और रचनाकारों के सन्दर्भ में उन्होंने महाकवि दिनकर के सानिध्य में शिक्षा प्राप्त किया था | हर बालक की भांति मैंने भी अनेकों ख्वाब देखे, बहुत में सफल हुआ, बहुत में मुँह की खानी पड़ी | लेकिन जब भी गिरा बाबूजी ने एक महान पथ प्रदर्शक की तरह संभाला |

मेरे दृष्टि में वो एक कुशल सामाजिक प्रबंधक हैं, जिनसे मुझे सामाजिक रीतियों कुरीतियों का अनुभव हुआ | वहीं माँ ने अपने आंचल से मेरा मुख पोछ ये बताया कि दुःख के बाद सुख जरुर मिलेगा और इस वाक्य ने मेरे अंदर के नभ में संख नाद का कार्य किया |

जीवन की पहली कविता भी वहीं से निकली, उन दिनों बेलूर मठ की यात्रा से घर आया था, यौवन की दहलीज पे कदम रखा ही था | अन्तः प्रांगण में अनेकों तार झंकृत हो रहे थे, अकिंचन बाबूजी ने पूछा- यात्रा कैसी रही ? मैं हर्षित हो उठा और कहा बहुत अच्छी लेकिन मन में एक दुविधा है कि एक सामान्य से नरेन्द्र को भगवन का दर्शन कैसे प्राप्त हुआ !

उन्होंने ठहाका लगा कहा, ढूंढने वाले को मिल ही जाते हैं | मैं मन में तलाशने लगा.... कुछ शब्द मिले, पंक्ति बनी –

माता के कटे नख में चाँद को धरा पे देखा  !
उनके गीले गेसुवों में गंगा के धार को देखा !
पिता के मुख में सूरज की तपिश, तो प्रातः के गुहार को देखा !
बहन संग लड़ा तो बालपन के कृष्णावतार को देखा !
भ्रातृ मोह ने खूब हंसाया, वहाँ प्रेम मय संसार को देखा !

शब्दों से पंक्ति बनी, पंक्ति से वाक्य, वाक्य से काव्य और काव्य से  -  श्यामात्मा  एक काव्य संकलन, ऐसे प्रारंभ हुई मेरी काव्य यात्रा |

Shop on Amazon Flipkart Shopclues BlueRose
Website: The Shyamal Choudhary’s Universe

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

"Truth & Dare - The Modi Dynamic" By Sanju Verma

What makes this book by Sanju Verma special is its eye for detail, and the in-depth and exhaustive manner in which it elaborates on every single facet of Narendra Modi's economic policies, popularly known as Modinomics, besides tracing the eventual demise of Nehruvian Socialism. She explains why Manmohanomics was never a force to reckon with. In sharp contrast, Modinomics is a powerful idea that has transcended beyond Narendra Modi---it is now a generic idea that stands for everything that is associated with good governance, inclusivity, poverty alleviation and has truly transformed India from an economy of job seekers, to one of job creators. The book answers how Demonetisation unearthed black money, why it is a game changer in terms of formalising large swathes of the informal economy, why "One Nation One Tax" via GST, needs to be lauded for its seamless execution, how the "Mudra Yojana" has truly empowered over 15 crore aspirational Indians, how e-NAM has empowered farmers, and much more. How Modinomics has laid the foundations for a 10 per cent GDP growth trajectory through innovative and sweeping measures like the Sagarmala and Bharatmala projects and the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, have all been analysed and explained in detail, to give readers a flavour of how Modinomics epitomises "Sabka Saath Sabka Vikaas", in more ways than one. The book also showcases how, thanks to the strategic genius of Amit Shah, BJP is today, not only the largest political organisation in the world with 11 crore members and counting, but also an election winning unstoppable juggernaut that has its eyes trained on Mission 2019 and beyond. The second part of the book which exposes the weaknesses of "Gathbandhan politics", is also a stinging critique of the failed "Raebareli-Amethi" model and explains why Rahul Gandhi's hope of becoming the Prime Minister of India is merely wishful thinking. Most importantly, this section of the book also explains why "Beti Bachao Beti Padhao" has been one of the most transformational and game-changing moves in post independent India, giving "social inclusion" a whole new dimension.

Shop: Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, BlueRose

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

"The Case Of The Parsons Parrot And Other Stories" By S M Ghatak

They are back. The celebrated detective and his friend – only this time, the forces that Holmes is required to pit his cerebral powers against, are not as awesome. Indeed not, it does not get more threatening than rampaging mice, parrots that swear and missing scarecrows. All of which Holmes tackles with characteristic panache (and much less success), while Watson is a loyal if not always enthusiastic collaborator. It is an excellent spoof on Conan Doyle’s stories, in his language and style, and the touches of burlesque do not degenerate into slapstick. The writer skilfully recreates the world of 221B Baker Street – its inclement weather, telegrams, blue-blooded clients, indiscretions and disguises. Doyle’s tools are used to singular effect to make this book a most enjoyable read.

Shop: Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, BlueRose


"फिर, क्यों उसने मना किया...?" - ओमकार चौहान

जूनून जब सिर पर हो तो मनुष्य सबकुछ भूलकर वो सबकुछ करने लग जाता है जिससे उसे संतुष्टि होती है । अब चाहें वो कार्य उसके लिए लाभदायक हो या हानिकारक उसे इसकी कतई चिंता नही होती है , और यदि जूनून किसी से किये गए प्रेम में अपमान का हो तो मनुष्य किसी भी परिस्थति से गुजरने में कोई संकोच नही करता है । यदि उसके मन की संतुष्टि के लिए उसे गलत कदम उठाना पड़ता तो वह उसे अपना लक्ष्य समझकर पीछे नही हटता है , और कभी - कभी तो वह अपने जीवन को भी नष्ट कर लेता है । चाहें ऐसा करने से उसकी समस्या का समाधान हो या ना हो । कितना अच्छा हो जब वह व्यक्ति अपने जूनून को लगातार अपने भविष्य के लिये एक हथियार की तरह इस्तेमाल करे तो निश्चित ही उसे प्रेम में किय गए अपमान का बदला भी मिल सकेगा और अपने भविष्य में सफलता भी मिल जायेगी । ऐसी सफलता जिससे वह अपने जीवन में भौतिक जगत के अनेक सुखों को भोग सकता है ।

“FALLEN TO RISE” By Bobby D’souza

Announcing the maiden release of Bobby Dsouza’s book #FallentoRise,

This is a crazy roller coaster true saga of a bankrupt, confused teen with a broken family from the streets of Mumbai -- the story of an ordinary boy who dared to tread through a whirlwind of storms, bruises & falls, wounds, hopes, and the delights of romance, heartbreak & the rise to becoming a top-notch Motivational Speaker, inspiring thousands across geographies. The story will highly resonate with people stuck in a mid-life crisis, dreaming of making it big one day! This is a behind the scenes of the glamour of the ‘stage’!

A story of hope, love & message, that will truly inspire you to live to your best with what you have created to fly high!

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

"Princess Kaushiki" By Shelly Arora

Princess Kaushiki, is an inspirational fiction novel series for children. The first volume of this series (A divine birth) is about the mysterious birth of a princess in the woods. The story is based in the mesmerizing Coonoor region of South India (Tamil Nadu). The king and queen of Coonoor have strong and charismatic personalities that are highly admired by their entire kingdom. This tale takes
you through a fascinating and adventurous journey of a mystical pine forest, explored by the royal couple as their leisure trip. The mysteries and the challenges they face in that forest and how they overcome them with their valour, wisdom and devotion are the key elements that bind the whole plot.
It is a wonderful fusion of entertainment, suspense and morals. The story aims to inspire children to be strong, yet wise; courageous, yet kind and successful, yet generous; instilling in them the values of compassion and care towards all living beings. It encourages them to face hardships with courage,00evotion, faith and self-confidence. Full of interesting dialogues, the first volume ends with a divine twist. The birth of princess of Coonoor among such mystical elements is the heart of this book. This is my first novel and the inspiration to conceptualise this story is rooted in the absence of an Indian princess among all glamorous Disney princesses. I wish to introduce this alluring story to children that portrays Indian culture and values, filled with strong characters. I have deliberately
chosen Southern region as a plot after being highly impressed with the invincible Bahubali characters. I also strongly believe in a ‘Never Say Die’ attitude, the traces of which will also be clearly apparent in the whole story.

This book is ideal for ages 6 to 10. Do encourage your children to read and share feedback on
Goodreads or Amazon or my facebook page – Author Shelly Arora.

Shop: Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, BlueRose

Friday, 8 March 2019

‘डॉल हाउस’ - मनीषा शर्मा

डॉल हाउस’ उपन्यास हमारे समाज में स्त्री जीवन के पीछे छिपे उस वीभत्स सत्य को उजागर करता है जो उसके आगे लगे सभी सुनहरी परदों की पर्तों को उधेड़कर रख देता है। देवी के रूप में स्त्री को पूजने वाला हमारा समाज किस कद्र वहशी होकर स्त्रियों का शारीरिक और मानसिक बलात्कार करता है, इसे इस उपन्यास के माध्यम से महसूस किया जा सकता है। स्त्री को मात्र भोग्य वस्तु मानने वाला पुरूष वर्ग उसे केवल ‘भोग्य’ के रूप में देखता है। एक तरफ स्त्रियाँ जहाँ चाँद पर कदम रखकर अपना वर्चस्व स्थापित कर रही हैं वहीं हासिए के दूसरी ओर देखें तो स्त्रियों की स्थिति कुछ ज्यादा अच्छी नहीं है। अँधेरे बंद कमरों में अपराधियों सा जीवन जी रहीं ये स्त्रियाँ अपने अस्तित्व को बनाए रखने के लिए मात्र संघर्षरत नहीं हैं बल्कि तिल-तिल कर जलने और घुटने के लिए बाध्य हैं। इन लोगों के जीवन के सत्य को जब जानने का प्रयत्न किया तो पाया कि ये एक ऐसे दलदल के ऊपर अपना जीवन जी रही हैं कि जहाँ आत्मग्लानि और लोगों के वीभत्स व्यवहार के नीचे धंसते चले जाने के अलावा उनके पास कोई विकल्प नहीं है।

विवशताओं से घिरकर ‘बार घर’ में कार्य करने के लिए बाध्य ‘डॉल हाउस’ की नायिकाएँ क्षमा, निसार, माया, रागिनी

समाज की स्त्रियों के उस वर्ग का प्रतिनिधित्व करती हैं जो अपने अस्तित्व को बनाए रखने के लिए संघर्ष करते हुए यहाँ आ गई हैं। जिस्मानी नुमाइश की इस चमकदार दुनिया में रंगीले नोटों के ढेर का आकर्षण उन्हें एक ऐसे दलदल की ओर खींच ले गया है जहाँ से लौटकर आना नामुमिकन है। मुंबई की इन चमकदार और तंग गलियों में ऐसी तमाम रुहें अपने अस्तित्व को बनाए रखने के लिए भटक रही हैं या परिस्थितियों के कारण विवश हैं। पग-पग पर अपने भीतर मर रहे स्त्रीत्व और टूटे ख्वाबों के टुकड़े समेटते हुए वे किस तरह अपना जीवन व्यतीत कर रही हैं, इसका वास्तविक चित्र इस उपन्यास में उभर कर आया है।

Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, BlueRose


Love is like trudging on the sharp edge of a razor. If you're not careful, you're bound to hurt yourself.
It can leave you scarred for life and you might lose your faith in love altogether. Like some of us, Sharanya too believed that she couldn't fall in love with anyone; whether it was due to some preconceived notions or a personal experience, it is a mystery for her pals. She's an ambivert girl, stricken with her demons that keep haunting her. She believes that relationships these days are nothing but superficial, until she met Advay. He’s a carefree, tenderhearted soul, who tries to the best of his ability to reaffirm her faith in love. Sharanya, however, is headstrong and opts to live a life of denial. Did she give up on what her heart seeked so dearly or not -- explore her journey with “I Love You… a little too much”, a story of love, separation, feelings and emotions that will rekindle your heart with love.

Shop: Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, BlueRose

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'Lily And The Spring' And 'The Collected Poems' By Spring Boy Saman

Saman speaks about fundamental things which are a part of every human life – love, sorrow, food, joy, work, crime, freedom, self-knowledge, teaching, friendship, good and evil, prayer, pleasure, beauty, religion and death.

‘Lily and the Spring’ offers no short cuts or any formula to happiness or successful living essentially, but bids you to look closely into your own heart and divine minds.

The author’s second book, 'The Collected Poems' by Spring Boy Saman is a lake of poems. You taste one drop, you will consume it ooze by ooze. And finally, your thirst would be destroyed. The book contains the aroma smell of romance, love, nature, earth and the feelings of peace in death. The book offers no short cuts or any formulae to happiness or successful living. Essentially, it bids you to look closely into your own heart and divine mind.

Shop ‘Lily and the Spring’ : Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, BlueRose

Shop ‘The Collected Poems’ : Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, BlueRose

Visit website :

“Dreams of a Cloudless Sky” By Devanshi Pandey

I am the night sky. The night sky is me. It took me fifteen years to realize why the night sky had always intrigued me; why, as a child, I'd always crawled away from my cradle to get a glimpse of the sheer darkness of the sky; why, even at 15, in this forlorn world, the glimmering stars are my companions. Their stardust's built of stories I have told them over years. It coaxes me, it's heat kindling fire in my torso, letting me feel the summer heat, walking through lanes of snow and mist. It has lived in me, in my veins, in my head, in my heart. I've learnt to embrace the beauty in it's pain, while just being wind, carrying florets with me and caressing it's calloused hands. It embraces me too as I lay under it, every time, batting my eyelashes and going back to dreams of a utopia, of a well orchestrated life. The night sky holds my dreams and problems, listens to them and softly drawls "One day, you'd be there." For I, am a dreamer, and it holds my fantasy. Rip the sky into shreds and you'll see the real me.
I am the night sky, the night sky is me. I hold the darkness but I hold stars, too, in me.

Shop: Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, BlueRose
You can reach out the author at

Sunday, 3 March 2019

“The Caged Souls” By Imtiyaz Ahmad Shah

‘The Caged Souls’ revolves around a few characters who became the victims of an unholy war in the past. Kashmir is the place where we witness bloodshed, brutality and torture every second day. Life is very tough in Kashmir and it is very hard to survive there. The book tells us the story of many people who were traumatized, victimized and almost beaten up to death. Their pain and sufferings led me to write this book. I, too, witnessed many illicit events in Kashmir when I was a child, at a time when I was not fully aware, but as time had passed, I came to know about many things, and I was finally able to express my thoughts and musings through my writing. Kashmir is a fully militarized zone, and we are forced to show identity cards by some migrated birds in our own beloved state. We don’t enjoy the freedom of speech and freedom of expression; our voices have been strangled and we are no longer the residents of Kashmir. The main reason behind writing this book is to highlight the key, unaddressed issues of Kashmir. The book is my dream project and it is very close to my heart. There are some themes of love and separation towards the end.

This is the story of everyone living in Kashmir—a novel about the journey, atrocities, pain, and oppression that has prevailed in Kashmir since decades. It depicts how Kashmiris have suffered and been tortured ruthlessly by some dominant forces. The novel also deals with themes of love and separation towards the end.

Shop: Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, BlueRose

Friday, 1 March 2019

“FALLEN TO RISE” By Bobby D’souza

A heart-warming, crazy roller coaster ride narrative of Bobby Dsouza’s simple but unique journey from a bankrupt lost ‘teen labourer’ on the streets of Mumbai, to someone who now inspires delegates across demographics. CEO’s, CXO’s, students & leadership teams have been his audience till date.

The journey starts from the story of a broken marriage of a woman at 25 (Bob’s mom), who works hard for the future of her 3 children, without any help from the society. The story takes you through scarcity, tears, happiness of this family bringing in laughter, romance & a whole loads of lessons of ‘Fallen to Rise’!

Shop: Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, BlueRose

“23:59:59” By Sadashiv Pradhan

Sadashiv, an MBA graduate from XLRI, Jamshedpur, started writing his debut novel 23:59:59 during his college. Since childhood, Sadashiv was a passionate storyteller and a prolific writer. Even during hectic and stressful days of B-school, he did not let his love for writing fade away. 23:59:59 was conceptualized during his XLRI days where he believed that there was a story to be told! Every year approximately 2 Lac candidates attempt common entrance tests to try and get an admission in the best B-schools of India. This is one of the biggest rat races of Indian educational system in which hardly few taste success – 23:59:59 is the story of those chosen few!
23:59:59 is a raw, unapologetically honest, extremely gripping, and beautifully complex attempt of uncovering a story inside the best B-schools of India. It holds a mirror to what really happens in a B-school, it depicts MBA culture for all its hypocrisy and glory. More importantly, it sheds light on what MBA in India claims to be and what it means in the end.
The quest for true passion vs the glamour of money, the need to achieve vs the love of learning, the 'Why MBA' fake answer vs the real motivation of people to do an MBA - these are some of the ethical conundrums around which Sadashiv has wonderfully woven his story. 23:59:59 is must read for all of those who want to relive their B-school journey, for those who soon going to be a part of bandwagon, and for those who wish to experience MBA culture in India.

Shop: Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, BlueRose