The hero of this work is born and brought up in an underdeveloped village in southern Tamil Nadu. The story reveals itself through the eyes of the hero. The entire novel is about a series of incidents that have happened in his life. The story is set in the late 1960s when a great shift was happening in the politics of the state. The story is underpinned by the superstitious beliefs with which the villagers approach their everyday lives, for example when the hero’s friend Elamathiyan is accused of being impotent by his wife at a village Panchayat, an insane decision to let the accused display his virility to a prostitute is suggested by the villagers. The other part of the story revolves around the life of the narrator’s mother and grandmother. The novel opens with a prologue that deals with a dream that is disturbing the narrator and influences his life. The rest of the story is the narrator’s description of why he gets that weird dream.
Thursday, 20 June 2019
“ THE RED MOON “ – by S. K. Vignesh
The hero of this work is born and brought up in an underdeveloped village in southern Tamil Nadu. The story reveals itself through the eyes of the hero. The entire novel is about a series of incidents that have happened in his life. The story is set in the late 1960s when a great shift was happening in the politics of the state. The story is underpinned by the superstitious beliefs with which the villagers approach their everyday lives, for example when the hero’s friend Elamathiyan is accused of being impotent by his wife at a village Panchayat, an insane decision to let the accused display his virility to a prostitute is suggested by the villagers. The other part of the story revolves around the life of the narrator’s mother and grandmother. The novel opens with a prologue that deals with a dream that is disturbing the narrator and influences his life. The rest of the story is the narrator’s description of why he gets that weird dream.
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