The headlines of the local news channels have been creatively circulating a piece of ‘hot news’ to make the TRPs skyrocket. Two 'NRIs’ are the prime suspects in a murder in North Goa, after fun and frolic-filled night of drugs. The primetime slot was full of conspiracy theories by investigative journalists and the fillers were taken over by a lot of debates on drug control. Aditya Dev, an orphan who struggled all his life to settle down, was finally living the American dream but is now in an Indian prison. He remembers nothing about the night he was with his wife and friends, but someone died that night. His struggle to understand what happened that night is a very hazy memory in his head, but reality bites.
A mosaic artist. A businesswoman by profession. A vivid dreamer by day, and writer by night. An MBA who shuttles between San Diego and Hyderabad, who has taken a pause from the rat race. An avid traveler trying to learn about different cultures. Interacting with people on such an expedition has helped me see life in different ways. My single point agenda for life is to 'live and let live'.
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