Friday, 31 May 2019

"Meri Kachehri (Nyay+Aalay)" By Anchal Saksena

ब्लौग्स से किताब तक
मेरी कचहरी (न्याय+आलय) में लेखिका अंचल सक्सेना ने अपने उन अनुभवों को लिखने का प्रयास किया जो उन्होने फ़ौजदारी के वकील के रूप में जिला न्यायालय फतेहगढ़, फ़र्रुखाबाद में अपने अल्प कार्यकाल के दौरान अर्जित किए। 2016 में वकालत से दूरी बनाने के पश्चात उन्होने लेखन आरंभ किया और सर्वप्रथम ब्लॉग्स्पॉट पर “मेरी कचहरी (न्याय+आलय)” रूपी ब्लौगस लिखे। इस श्रंखला के अंतर्गत उन्होने कई भाग लिखे जिन्हें पाठकों द्वारा सराहा गया। प्रथम दिवस से ले कर अपने अंतिम अनुभव तक का लेखा जोखा यहाँ उनके द्वारा वर्णित किया गया। काल्पनिक कहानी के रूप में पहली पुस्तक “विश्वास और मैं” प्रकाशित होने के बाद इस शृंखला को किताब के रूप में सुनियोजित कर, त्रुटियों को ठीक कर प्रकाशित किए जाने का निर्णय लिया। हास्य-व्यंग से आरंभ हुई ये श्रंखला कहीं गंभीर हो जाती है तो कहीं कटाक्षों से परिपूर्ण है। लगभग साढ़े चार वर्षों के कार्यकाल के दौरान भी जब वे स्वयं को वकालत से जोड़ नहीं पायी तो उन्होने अंततः लेखन को अपना कार्यक्षेत्र बनाया। जिस प्रकार उनकी पहली किताब एक प्रेम कहानी थी और मात्र किन्ही निश्चित पाठकों के लिए नहीं थी उसी प्रकार ये किताब जो काल्पनिक नहीं है उसके नाम मात्र से ही उसके पाठक तय नहीं हो जाते। ये किताब मात्र वकीलों या न्यायालय से जुड़े लोगों के लिए नहीं अपितु हर उस व्यक्ति के लिए है जो न्यायव्यवस्था की समझ रखता है और आवश्यकता जानता है।
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Thursday, 30 May 2019

"The Silent Smiles" By Mayur Chavda

Love is undoubtedly a dangerous journey. The purest form of love doesn’t see race, color, age or caste nowadays not even gender…! To go through the journey is difficult. The struggle for staying together requires a lot of sacrifices. We have to compromise the dearest things or people we own. Leaving can be an option, but just an option for the losers, or might be they were in less love. Which age does love happen? They say at a mature age. But I say love’s purest form is childish, less of selfishness. Love is all about doing something which is not your league but still, you don’t hesitate to do it for someone.
The Silent Smiles, a story of the purest form of love. The first love of Raj and Rajvi, who met by destiny. God brings them together by his own grace. Raj changed his whole personality for Rajvi. And Both fought against the world. Love is all about their fire to live together. There are two types of people. First, who believe in “ I Love You, But…..” And the Second who believe in “But, I love you…” The order of ‘but’ makes a lot of difference in the statement. And that defines their stability though. Raj belongs to a low caste poor family and Rajvi belong to a High caste rich family. The story of their meet is fantastic. The story of their being together is magically romantic too. The part to be known is their staying. Will they stay together? Will they leave? Is there Love so strong that they overcome the hindrance of societal pressure. Both of them are teenagers who are first alleged to their age. They are considered so small for being in love. Will they be able to explain the world about their feelings? The book opens out all these questions. The Silent Smiles is a Beautiful story of the purest form of love, which raj found in those silent smiles of Rajvi.
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"Indra Dhanush Ke Rang" By Chetna Kapoor

रात सोच कर सोई थी…. आज देर तक सोऊँगी। छुट्टी में सोने का आनंद आहा।
पर ये क्या..नींद तो रोज की तरह तड़के ही खुल गई। घड़ी में पांच ही बजे थे अभी तो। देर तक सोने की इच्छा का मनुहार करते हुएमैं फिर सोने की कोशिश करने लगी। अचानक बालकनी से आतीकिसी चिड़िया की मधुर आवाज नेमुझे बिस्तर से उठने पर मजबूर कर दिया। आहिस्ता से मैंने बालकनी का दरवाज़ा खोल कर देखा… वहां एक प्यारी सी नन्हीं सी चिड़ियापानी के बर्तन में अठखेलियां कर रही थी। आहा… कितनी प्यारी लग रही थी वह।कभी वह पानी पीती…… कभी पानी में अठखेलियां करती….l
मैं मंत्र मुग्ध सी,  अपलक निहार रही थी उसे। 
मेरी तो मार्निंग वाकई…. फील गुड वाली मार्निंग हो गई थी। बिना कुछ कहे… या जताए वह नंन्ही सी चिड़िया मेरे चेहरे पर मुस्कान दे रही थी….. शायद वह आनंद बांट रही थी मेरे साथ..। मैं भी उस अनमोल आनंद को चुपचाप समेट रही थीखुद में। हां….. कहाँ मिलेगा ऐसा मासूमनिश्छल आनंद?
अरे…. तभी वह फुर्र से उड़ गई.। मैं उसे दूर तक देखती रही….. मुस्कुराती हुई। मानो कह रही थी…. आ जाया करो यहांजब जी चाहे।
हमेशा रखती हूं मैं यहाँ….. पानी  से भरा बर्तन।
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"Something's Are Just Meant To Happen""By R.Srinath

This tale is about the two divergent poles with different opinions, choices, and ways of life. The story revolves around Arjun, one of the top entrepreneurs of the country, with a dreadful past that shook his foundation of love and relationship. And his destiny entwines with the carefree, sweet, and smart Mishti. The remaining plot wraps around what happens between these two. Can Mishti make Arjun believe in love once again or Arjun will make her hate him more than ever? The whole story is filled with humor and sarcastic take on the romantic tale.
Srinath is an Aeronautical engineer from Tamilnadu. As one would call, he is a proud defense brat and traveled across different states of India, wherever his dad’s posting took him. He is an ardent reader. He has attended writing workshops during his college days. He is fluent in English, Hindi, and Tamil. He is very passionate about the Aircraft and Indian Armed Forces and loves to read and write articles on them. He likes hardcore detective novels of Dan Brown, Sidney Sheldon, David Baldacci and loves their Indian counterparts like Amish, Ashwin Sanghi and also romantic fiction works of Sudeep Nagarkar, Ravinder Singh, and Durjoy Dutta.
Some Thing’s Are Just Meant To Happen is his debut Romantic fiction and his first attempt at writing. During his college days and while working in Bangalore, he came across many people with different characters who had different views and different perspectives of the same life. One day, after returning from a hectic busy schedule of corporate routine, he started writing. One thing led to another, and here is the beginning.
This book is not only about romance but also about friendship and bonding. The characters are not just a part of the imagination but real inspirations one can easily relate to in everyday life. The humor and sarcasm make this work more interesting.
It is a roller-coaster ride filled with fun and humor taken from everybody’s life.
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"The Three Tales" By Aniket Dey

Never Settle Fight for Life ~ Career ~ Love.
Sometimes in life, everything which can possibly go wrong, goes wrong. Sometimes crazy things happen without any crazy output.

We don’t usually get anything extraordinary out of these situations but we also end up with a good story.

When love does finally happen, there are more obstacles to overcome. However life has other plans and it’s unknown what’s waiting on the next page.

Who among them will make through and who won’t, will be the unknown tales.
So here it is The Three Tales.

Written By: Aniket Dey
Published By: Blue Rose Publishers

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Wednesday, 29 May 2019

"April Is Lush" By Aditya Tiwari

The little boy with big dreams:

Aditya writes to heal and empower people. He believes that people empower people; without each other we are all nothing. In his first poetry collection -- “April is Lush”, he has turned his pain into poetry, into art. His message is simple -- to be kind; you never know what others are struggling with. We are all fighting a lot of battles, and most of them stay hidden.

Aditya wrote this book is not just because he wants it to be the best of the best. It is also because whatever little it is, it will always be his, and nobody can take it away from him -- that’s his power.

He says that last year was a year of self-discovery, breakdowns & growth for him. It’s always the challenges which show you who you are, and what you are capable of overcoming. It’s not easy, but he is proud of the person he is becoming. He was told at a very young age, that he’d do nothing, he’d be nothing, and here he is today, writing his heart out in this book. He comes from nothing, he just wants people to always believe in themselves and never let anyone tell them “no” for their dreams.

About the author:

Aditya Tiwari is a brown, queer, writer, and a storyteller. He is an internationally published poet based in India. He started writing back in 2014 - his early work usually included prose. He started writing poetry in 2017. He says when everybody left at a party, he found himself between some broken glasses and poetry - that was the time when poetry found him.

You can find Aditya on:

Instagram: @aprilislush
Twitter: @aprilislush

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"Change For Success" By Simanchal Panigrahi


How does one get strength when in pain? Successful people convert setbacks into comebacks. They step back, plan, prepare and learn from the pain. They develop better possibilities to achieve their goal, mission, and vision. They say to themselves, “You are stronger than your weakness.” They find their strength and come up with better possibilities. Someone rightly said, “When bad things happen to good people, they make themselves a better version.” The question is, how does one create a better version of themselves? Perhaps a parable will help you see my point of understanding, about moving from pain to possibility.

Possibility: It’s In Your Hand Dear

In the beautiful city of Udaipur, India, there lived an old man who was a genius. Legend had it that he could answer any question anyone might ask of him. Two of the local boys figured they could fool the old man, so they caught a small bird and headed for his residence. One of the boys held the little bird in his hands and asked the old man if the bird was dead or alive. Without hesitation the old man said, "Son, if I say to you that the bird is alive, you will close your hands and crush him to death. If I say the bird is dead, you will open your hands and he will fly away. You see, son, in your hands you hold the power of life and death. In your hands, you hold the seeds of failure or the potential for greatness. In your hands, you hold the possibility of pain and pleasure dear. Your hands are capable, but they must be used — and for the right things to reap the rewards you are capable of.”

After a setback, you should find the comeback. In every obstacle, you need to see the opportunity. Even in this hopeless world, you see yourself a great hope. We see a launch of new car, new product, a new innovation, moving from petrol to post card to WhatsApp. It’s all about change form pain to possibilities, and it all begins with a change.

“You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body; but you will never imprison my mind!” — Mahatma Gandhi

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Monday, 27 May 2019

"Kavita Ke Jharnon Par" By Rajesh Ramnagina

‘Kavita ke jharnon par’ in the season of love has spring, deep eyes, silky hair, kisses, and blossom. In the first light of the morning, you will find sleepy eyes, Roaring River, scented air, bees chatting with nature at Indus River and flowers. You will find trembling lips of the mad girl, eyes full of thirst for a sweet smell, perplexed eyes searching the path in dark night and pain of cruel dreams. The beauty of the poem is the adornment of the young girl where it is related to the desire of the son, the relation of a girl with the mother-in-law. The groundwater in nectar pots, thirst is the charlatanry of the world. There is the pain of beauty and there are blows of time over the pain of divorce. There are dried out the tree in my land, halted chariot in dark nights, resistance and god lover. Whatever has been left out, it will be present in the next book.

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"Gyansindhu" By Pawan B. Nanda

‘‘ज्ञानसिंधु‘‘ अर्थात ज्ञान का सागर….. आप सोच रहे होंगे कि ऐसा नाम कोई लेखक अपनी किसी धार्मिक पुस्तक का कैसे रख सकता है? क्योंकि मैं कोई तुलसीदास या फिर स्वामी विवेकानंद तो हूँ नहीं अतः ऐसी बातों का किसी के भी मन में उठना स्वभाविक है।इस ग्रन्थ के बारे में चर्चा करने से पहले मैं सभी प्रिय बन्धुगणों को बताना चाहूंगा कि मैं तो केवल एक माध्यम हूँ जबकि कर्ता तो कोई और ही है क्योंकि बिना उनकी इच्छा के कुछ भी संभव नहीं हो सकता।इसके अलावा मैं इसका श्रेय यदि किसी को देता हूँ तो वह मेरे परम पूज्य गुरूजी स्वामी परमानन्द (परमानन्द मिशन – बर्धमान, पश्चिम बंगाल), स्वामी विवेकानंद, ठाकुर श्री राम कृष्ण एवं त्रैलंग स्वामी जी को देता हूँ क्योंकि आज मैंने अपने जीवन में जो कुछ भी प्राप्त किया है वह सब इन्हीं की देन है एवं इनके द्वारा ही प्राप्त ज्ञान की बूंदों को मैंने संकलित करके ज्ञानसिंधु का रूप दिया है।यह ग्रन्थ मुख्यतः योग एवं अध्यात्म पर आधारित है जो जीवन के हर एक पहलु को छूता है एवं तथ्यों को समझाने के लिए मैंने गीता का सहारा लिया है एवं मधुरता बनाये रखने के लिए गोस्वामी तुलसीदास द्वारा रचित रामचरित मानस की चैपाइयों का भी कहीं-कहीं उपयोग किया है।
अपने बारे में मैं क्या कहूँ? लेकिन मैं जानता हूँ कि मुझे यहाँ इसका ज़िक्र तो करना ही होगा, तो चलिए कुछ बताने की कोशिश करता हूँ। मेरा नाम पवन. बी. नंदा है एवं उम्र ३४वर्ष। मैं जिला – मैनपुरी (उत्तरप्रदेश) से ताल्लुक रखता हूँ।
जन्म के तीन वर्ष उपरांत ही मेरे पिता को पश्चिम बंगाल में नौकरी मिल गई और इस तरह मेरे पिता पूरे परिवार के साथ पश्चिम बंगाल में बस गए। मेरी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा और उच्च स्तरीय शिक्षा (एम.बी.ए) बंगाल में ही संपन्न हुई और उसी दौरान युवावस्था से ही मैं स्वामी विवेकानंद के विचारों से प्रभावित होकर रामकृष्ण मिशन से जुड़ गया लेकिन बाद में स्वामी परमेश्वरानन्द (परमानन्द मिशन – पश्चिम बंगाल) के संपर्क में आने के कारण मैंने यहाँ से दीक्षा प्राप्त की।
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"Magdalin" By Munmun Singha Chowdhury

I was grown up with my parent in a village called Soglepara in lower Assam, which is an hour drive from Kokrajhar town and nearly two-hour journey from West Bengal. I attended St Mary School in Srirampur, graduated from Guwahati University and completed an MBA from ICFAI, Delhi.
After hell lots of struggles, I started my career with the finest 5 stars Hotel in Goa. Later I joined Thailand based commercial Airlines ‘MJets Indamer’ in Delhi Airport as HR. I was like hippie traveling through Goa, Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, and Rajasthan before I ended up working with US-based IT Company in Kolkata. Besides, I have owned Domestic and International Training & Placement firm in Kolkata called Golden Feather’s venture of Connection Point Group. It certified courses in Aviation, Hospitality, and Travel Tourism management. We give the opportunity to a student who cannot afford the fees of IIHM, AIMS, Frankfinn, etc.
Since a teenager, I was determined to become a writer. The best reason I wanted to become an author is because I am very passionate about writing and I want to share the true beauty of my community which has never been explored. Certainly, there is an inspiring story of a people living in small towns, villages that can relate to the situation and challenges they face every day. I would love to share about the dance, values, rituals, the culture and the people I observed as simplest in the planet.
I belong to the Santal community. Most people know us by Adivasi. People in cities call us Anglo Indian because we are majorly Christian. The place I was born, Kokrajhar, is widely known since the 1996 riots between Bodo and Santal communities. It’s been decades the riots have ended but the system is still controlled by Bodo communities. Government Offices, Banks, District Court, and all the municipal corporations are run by the tribe. Besides this place is one of the most unexplored regions in India.
The beautiful villages have their own advantages and disadvantages like any other place have.  There is no opportunity for higher studies and no career; there are no industries or MNC or good hospitals. In case of any medical emergency, you are certain to die. For the smallest of things required people rush to a nearby town. But no wonder the breathtaking views of a small valley, the tiny streams, and the endless verdant and the distinct culture of the different tribe are remarkable besides never-ending darkness at night. Despite being scared to death every nightlife is full of true adventure.
I have grown up watching Doordarshan Channel every Sunday evening show of Adivasi dance, culture, a tradition they showcase. I agree it was there in the 1960s and like Indian Cinema but I wonder which corner of Santal have still the same. It’s unfamiliar.
I wonder why they have to highlight or indicate the indifference of our community; it should be an equal opportunity. In this generation, if you look around the world you will see our community who owns houses in cities, living a good life, earning good money and having luxuries lifestyle. Why the world is busy showing the poverty of our communities instead of giving us the opportunity to grow and develop? So I am determined to make a difference, to bring change the way people think about the community. I will share the struggles, happiness, and sorrows that common people experience in daily life.
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“Bharat – The Jungle Boy” By Animesh Verma

Bharat – One of the greatest Indian ruler. The king, this great nation was named after. But before the legend, there was the boy-Bharat, whose story we knew only through his mother’s story. Meet Bharat, the young mischievous boy whose adventures know no boundaries. But like every naughty kid, Bharat’s world is governed over by the rules his brave mother Shakuntala has set, not just for him but also for the entire Shaantivan – an Eden-square jungle where tribals and animals live in harmony. Shakuntala, the daughter of sage Vishwamitra and nymph Menaka is a strict loving mother, but to be her son also comes with its own set of challenges and expectations. Join Bharat, his animal friends and the inhabitants of Shaantivan on a fictional journey of Animesh Verma which will take you to a world that will redefine fun and adventure.
Animesh Verma has spent his childhood in his native village called Bhagwanpur (Kurhani in Muzaffarpur district) Bihar. He calls himself a born storyteller and he discovered his passion and art of storytelling when he was 8 and started writing, though his articles have only started publishing in few local magazines when he shifted to Mumbai in 1997 from Noida, UP after completing his school. He completed his graduation in commerce from Mumbai and got into the business of storytelling in 2001 and started working for some prominent Tv and Film Production Houses and worked with some of the most successful Hindi General Entertainment Channels of India as a Content Creator and Creative Consultant. Being a part of the Entertainment industry, Animesh has been spearheaded many iconic tv shows such as Devon Ke Dev Mahadev, Siya Ke Ram and Prithvi Vallabh with different capacities such as Creative Director, Executive Producer, Project Head and Fiction Director. Currently resides in Mumbai as an independent fiction Director, he finally decided to pen down his first dream work “Bharat” which is a pure work of fiction on the backdrop of the story of Shakuntala that took him four years to complete.
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Sunday, 26 May 2019

"He Is A Victim" By Basheer Ahmed

Do you know why all famous people encourage us to read? Or, do you know why storytelling and reading is a necessary curricular activity in schools? Mainly, because it’s unpolluted. A book will never complain, never affect and never disturb anyone else a tiniest bit. It’s all about your choices of choosing good books because these good books can help you see the world differently and more thoughtfully. Watching a movie or a documentary can never be compared to the idea of reading books because in a book, you cannot skip a character, you cannot watch for your favorite performer. That’s why it creates a more emotional connect to the story and the characters, than watching a movie does. It leaves us wandering in the imagination. When something is pictured in a frame, our imagination tends to stop within that limit and we don’t always look beyond, other than what has been shown to us. But in books it leaves with us to decide and paint everything in our head. This is why some people are so crazy about reading. Also because it’s like living another life as George RR Martin said, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies”, by reading we get to live and explore those impossible yet imaginable odds. They say, reading melts hearts, make quite a company. Unfortunately, however, we are very busy with our electronic handles. When this was a medium of contact with unaffordable prices, everyone intended to keep one for themselves, just to enjoy and share the connection that brought to their loved ones. But it seems like that the same devices have become more important than humans themselves.

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Saturday, 25 May 2019

"Gateway To Success As An Advocate" By Anil Kumar Balhara

Anil Kumar Balhara is practicing lawyer since 1992 at District Court, Rohtak (Haryana). He completed his schooling up to Matric level from SSD Boys Inter College, Lal Kurti, Meerut Cantt (UP), and then passed his graduation from AIJHM College, Rohtak. He was an ambitious and bold person since his childhood. After becoming Law graduate from MDU Rohtak, when the 1st time he decided to practice as an Advocate on the advice of his parents and friends, he was not having any idea of realities of the legal profession. Anyhow, he grabbed the opportunity and got success in his work, by adopting straight forward nature and honesty towards his profession. He wrote few poems for his beloved one and work some plays on social subjects for All India Radio and Haryanvi short films. He also played the role of an advocate in Doordarshan TV short films. The learnings experience and success in adverse atmosphere forced him to write this book for readers to help them in building their career in the legal stream without any hesitation.

Obtaining a degree in a particular subject is not a big task but becoming an expert of that subject is a big task. In a similar manner becoming law graduate is a simple task but become a good lawyer is a difficult task. To the benefit of readers, the author has summarized, the experience of leading lawyers hurdles in the way, suggestions to overcome the problems and the steps to achieve their goal in this stream. The author tried his best to shower the light on all the dark spots which create hurdles in smooth progress in this field. The author hopes that readers may get answers of their all queries about that field.

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Thursday, 23 May 2019

"The Allegory Of Endearment" By Zeeshan Haider

Towards enlightenment rests the reflection of one’s soul”. The virtuous life dictates the ability to churn the difficulties and helps in the catharsis of guilt and ignorance. The attributes of life are regarded as the basic necessities for a soul and it’s an enrichment for self-realization.
‘’ The Allegory Of Endearment” evolves the emotion and conviction of one’s soul towards another with respect to their relationship that they share. Fictional verse of imagination and the realm of the dream are the factors which fuel the creativity in one’s mind.
A soul without creativity is just an anonymous entity having less regard to the heavenly attributes of after-life. It’s a fire, a harmful one which lives in the lamp of one’s imagination, which is fueled by the courage and conviction owned by a soul of purpose.
This work is a pure inspiration taken from the ancient code of literacy which speaks about the degree of eloquence. The clause of life and the phase of death has been infused into a multidimensional aura of creativity. This work professes the importance of creativity and it impacts the life of a thinker, it’s an unconditional bargain with one’s feeling in order to put them into words.

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Wednesday, 22 May 2019

“The Timeless Pebbles” by Prachi Shikha

When I see the world around, where Jealousy, anger, impatience, ego, disrespect, revenge, hatred, manipulation, distrust, and restlessness are overpowering the natural, subtle, innocent, pure, loving, peaceful nature of a person, I thank my family to nurture me with wonderful teachings of life.
I and my brother grew up in a family where values and discipline were the most essential ingredients to lead a happy life. That time we could not realize its importance when our grandparents and parent were pouring the values and building up a strong character within us.
But now, after a lot of life experiences, I remember and try to live those teachings every day. Life is very simple and happy by imbibing their wisdom in life.
1.       Be patient and calm– Peace and happiness is the ultimate objective of every effort you make and every goal you achieve.
2.       Respect people and their thoughts– You disagree or agree, It’s a different matter.
3.       Always be in gratitude– For everyone and everything.
4.       Be thankful to Almighty for everything– You have what many people can’t even think of.
5.       Value and respect time– Yours and others.
6.       Appreciate and motivate people with the best capacity– your few words and gestures can be change agents in people’s life.
7.       Never forget those who helped, supported, and stood by in the beginning of journey, when no one trusted you– No matter where you reach in life, be grounded.
8.       Be pure hearted and don’t keep any grudges against anyone and anything– Apart from killing your peace, no benefit is going to happen.
9.       Believe in power of prayers– You will have equal impact.
10.    Learn to listen and listen to learn– you listen and learn. You learn and grow.
11.    Let go and forgive– It empty your baggage and make the life journey easier.
12.    Be true to yourself– Your conscious choices make you aware about differences between the rights and wrong. Trust and follow your conscious.
13.    Everyone has to repay– There is no other world after this, and if there is any, no one has seen it. Whatever is happening to you is a result of your own Karma and thoughts. Be aware.
14.    Expectations are natural– Yes, keep expectations but be ready and accept the exceptions.
15.    Believe in yourselfYou have more potential than any obstacle.

It’s a temporary world. Make yourself immortal in everyone’s heart and mind. Be soulful and peaceful.

“ChittaKundli” by Acharya Shrijit

Probably ChittaKundli is the most fine and condense form of predictive Vedic Astrology ever practiced. The system has slight difference from other predictive systems and has some unique concepts and astonishing philosophies which lead the readers or practitioners to the speculations for predictions. Many little known concepts differ ChittaKundli from other system among which one is the explanation of Mars. ChittaKundli shows the qualitative difference of Mars with other eight planets. Besides this the application of numerology in the system derives the multiple planet theory and made the system much easier to speculate replacing conjunctions and transforming the Natal Chart into Vibes Chart(AnusaranKundli). In the study process, taking Lagnaand Moon both in consideration, giving importance to Kalpurush and Vibes Chart, speculations become much more effective in case of predictions. Along with these evaluation of Dashasystem takes place according to various parameters like activation period, numerology, and multiple planet theory. The importance of Janmadashaand the effects of the special SoubhagyaDasha also have great importance in this system. We are glad to share all these very little discussed amazing concepts which are a little different from Conventional Applied Astrology with our readers around the globe and request to all to go through the book thoroughly and feel the essence and enrich us through their comments, thoughts, views and inquiries. We will be glad to interact and hear from you.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

"Tattva - Eat And Live" By Dr Shaily Agarwal

This book focuses on food recipes that are easy to prepare and uses ingredients that are mostly available in everyone's kitchen. These recipes can play a vital role in boosting one's immunity and metabolism. The book also mentions whether the recipes are for specific seasons and if they are suitable for those having common or alarming lifestyle disorders. The authors have also included in the book tips to improve one's lifestyle. Apart from being a therapeutic recipe book, it also gives a very brief insight into the basics of Ayurveda to help readers understand why a change is necessary. The purpose of this book is to enhance one's quality of life. After all, "a healthy outside, starts from the inside.

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Monday, 20 May 2019

“Tum Apni Si Lagti Ho” By Ayush Chauhan

“Tum Apni si Lagti ho” is a combination of Hindi and Urdu words, penned by Ayush Chauhan. The book describes different phases of love and affection. It will take you on a poetic ramble of one-sided love, patience, heartbreak, and acceptance. The poems of the book are imaginative and can be best described as “togetherness in separation”. The book includes 55 poems inscribed by amateur poet, Ayush Chauhan. While reading, the book will take the readers on a poetic excursion of first love, patience, heartbreak, separation, and acceptance, leaving them thinking and pondering about the whole idea of love. The poems might sound naïve but the emotions and feelings attached to them are sagacious and very true. Ayush who is a 19-year-old enthusiastic poet began writing 4 years back. This book is an amalgam of 55 out of 100s of poems Ayush has written over this period of time. The idea of writing this book came when he thought the need of giving his poem a platform. He feels by sharing his poems, he is sharing a part of himself with his audience. He hopes to connect to his readers with his words and poems which are a metaphor for his feelings and emotions. The whole process of writing this book took 3 months of time, which included intense work, writing, and thoughts, which started 4 years ago. With this book, ” Tum Apni si Lagti Ho” Ayush hopes to connect with his readers and explain them the concept and beauty behind one-sided admiration.
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